How Your Body Talks About Your Personality
Across the internet, there is a lot of content saying that your personality can be reflected by certain characteristics of your body.
It is said that if your toe's size are in decreasing order then you're outgoing and sociable. The reason your body has become like it is, is that it adapts to your personality. For example, if you are a social person then you will notice that in a conversation you are enjoying, your toes will flex. As you enjoy conversations a lot so your toes flex a lot thus your toes take a certain shape. This is true with your handwriting as well.
This might be known to a lot of people but you physical appearance is a reflection of your mental state. If you are constantly undermining yourself or beginning to feel like you're not worth it then you will tent to grow fat, have wrinkled skin, grey hair and other such symptoms. It is because our body is under so much of mental stress or anxiety, certain hormones are released into our bloodstream that makes us look 'old'.
Is there anybody else out there whose handwriting keeps on changing? I am one of those people who just cannot have one handwriting that remains the same. My handwriting is constantly changing and that actually reflects the fact that I am a very adaptive person, as my moods and feeling change, so does my handwriting. Let’s look at some other characteristics that have impacted your personality.
- The common foot- is when all of your toes are in descending order due to size. This reflects the fact that you’re outgoing and sociable. They are very open to themselves to new opportunities, this is a distinguishing feature for travellers and people who enjoy meeting new people and people who enjoy discovering new cultures.
- The flame foot- this is when your second toe is longer than the rest. This represents the fact that you are sporty, adventurous and creative. This also represents the fact you are a person who loves to inspire, motivate and encourage people around you. You are also enthusiastic about new ideas and meeting new people. However, this foot owner can also be very impulsive, which can sometimes lead to excessive stress.
- The square foot- this is when the length of all of your toes are equal. You likes to ponder and relentlessly examine every decision, always weighing up the positive and negative. You are very practical and reliable.
- Right slanting handwriting- you are open to the world around you and like to socialise with other people.
- Left slanting handwriting- you usually work alone and behind the scene. If you are right handed and your writing slants to the left then you're usually rebellious.
- No tilt in your handwriting- reflects that your logical and practical and are guarded with your emotions.
- Large handwriting- means that you are very popular, or at least you think you are.
- Small handwriting- You are focused and can concentrate easily. You tend to be introspective and shy.
- Average sized handwriting- You are well-adjusted and adaptable.
- Closed ‘l’- If the area in the ‘l’ is very less then that means you are restricting yourself in some way.
- Open ‘l’- You are spontaneous and relaxed and find it easy to express yourself.
- Closed ‘e’- You tend to be skeptical and are unswayed by emotional arguments.
- Full ‘e’-You have an open mind and enjoy trying new things.
- Round ’s’- You are a people-pleaser and seek compromise. You avoid confrontation.
- Pointy ’s’- You are intellectually probing and like to study new things. The higher and pointier the peaks, the more ambitious you are.
- Open at the bottom ’s’- You might not be following your heart. For example, you always wanted to be an artist, but you have a career in finance.
- Printed ’s’- You are versatile.
- Direct toe point- OMG! That person loves you!
- Toes away- That person hates you
- Hands move a lot- means your impatient
- Slouched shoulders- means your stressed and overwhelmed
- Touch your face, avoid eye contact and love on the top left counter- YOU LIER!
Don’t worry if you use a mix of printing and cursive. By high school, more than two-thirds of people combine them, according to writing specialist Steve Graham.
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